Thursday, May 21

just call me... WFR (pronounced woofer)

I am officially a Wilderness First Responder! Shoo wee, I'm glad I've got it but man did it wear me out! I came home Tuesday afternoon and after some dinner went to sleep. I slept until 10:30am, which if you don't know - is sleeping WAY in for me! These couple days at home in my parents house in Winder have been a blessing. Sitting around in my pajamas until way past lunchtime, drinking coffee, watching Cash Cab, running errands, and not doing a whole lot other than being with family is niiiice! I'm envisioning that every time I come home for a few days this summer it's going to look a whole lot like this visit. =)

The course was 10 days of pretty much 8-5 in and out of the classroom learning and practicing. I met and got to know the other 18 people in the class and became good friends with a handful. I really do enjoy meeting and getting to know new people and this opportunity was no let down. We had a lot of good times and good conversation, even if we were in podunk Milledgeville...

Berry is beckoning me... I'll be driving through Rome tomorrow into the backwoods of southeastern Alabama to work a day course with the Berry Outdoor Leadership Development Program, BOLD, that I work for throughout the year. It fits right in because I'll get to stay and celebrate Danae's big 2-1 birthday before returning to Winder on Sunday for my dad's big... umm, just a big ole birthday ;)! I came to the conclusion today that I'm floating around Georgia for the summer if anyone ever asks - because that's the only thing I can think of that fits. I don't really have a home base, other than my parents house, but I won't even be there for the majority. Soon comes a few days of YMCA Camp High Harbour Trailblazer training in NE Georgia near Clayton, hopefully a little backpacking trip, and up next - my big 2-1 birthday on June 3rd! Wow, things sure do sneak up on me...

1 comment:

  1. Quite the life you got goin' sister. Congrats on the WFR.
    We've been deep cleanin' base around here getting ready for the summer staff to come next week.
    AND we got chicks.
