Tuesday, June 7

deeply rooted

This post is one I never posted - from the very beginning of the summer...
"Come, let us return to the LORD"
It's quite incredible to realize that a year ago I was sitting in this very place probably scared out of my wits. It was a new home, 3000 miles from home, with people I had never met, in a place I wanted to know so badly. Now I'm here to welcome in the new members of our community and excitedly reunite with returning friends from all over the United States. We converge here, at Summit, in this small town right on the verge of wilderness. We've been brought here so specifically.
Excitement. Joy. Anxiousness. Butterflies. Peace. Awe.
All of those feelings come to the surface as late spring thunderstorms turn into broken clouds where blue shines through ready to bring in the summer. Once that change occurs - you'll find me dancing. I'm ready to sit out in the hammock without a down jacket and noticably see the rise of the lake as the snow in the high country melts.
After spending 3 weeks back in the eastern US I've returned to California and God has prepared me for this new season - and will continue preparing me I'm sure. Those 3 weeks were a treasure. I had time to sit on the couch with my parents, have lunch dates all over Georgia with many friends, go on bike rides & swims, and spend a weekend with family in sunny Florida. It was needed and refreshing. It was difficult to leave - bittersweet like usual. Especially when my mom decides to tell me that she's not ready for me to leave and almost cries at the airport as she hugs me goodbye. Good hugs - it felt good to be loved by people who know me.
Looking forward to this. Thankful. Breathing deeply.