Saturday, November 27

a return

About a week ago I got a lot of flack for not posting yet this month. A friend had noticed that I'd been posting about once a month and November was significantly lacking... but that has certainly not been the case.
--the fall colors of North GA--

Ever since my return to the eastern US I have been on the move. I've lost count of how many nights I spent this past month in unfamiliar beds, futons, and pods (explanation will come later) in the homes of friends, family members, and strangers. If you know me at all - you know I absolutely loved it! ... being at home in someone else's home and spending sweet time with all of those whom shared their lives with me. As hard as it is for me to sit back and allow someone to cook me dinner, buy my coffee, provide a clean towel, or even lend me warmer clothing I have realized that's exactly what those friends needed - the opportunity to serve, to express hospitality, to show love through providing for my basic needs. I know how much I appreciate serving others and creating a home for them in a place that before- was simply a house. so good to allow others to show me some love =)

--my sweet cousin Levi in Knoxville, TN--

The reason I've been able to travel around Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, and North Carolina is because my job description has been tweaked. Not only am I a wilderness instructor for Summit, but I can now say that I am a recruiter and an ISAS program coordinator. It has been my pleasure to travel to college campuses and introduce people to the opportunities that Summit has to offer. I then move into coffee shop/computer mode while I coordinate plans for the spring ISAS semester program and keep communications going with contacts I've made at those beautiful colleges.

--my first hockey game, Atlanta Thrashers--

Before returning here, I didn't realize how much I needed to be consistently surrounded by people who really know me. It's amazing how comforting a conversation can be with an old friend who remembers a story about you two from middle school, or a cousin who can reminiss about our sweet grandmother with you, or a brother who confides in you because you just get where he's coming from... So fulfilling - updating without including any backstory, having to answer deep questions about personal growth and spiritual learnings because a dear friend wants to know, and sharing life together.

hiking with dad - my favorite part about Wednesdays (his days off) these are a couple of our interesting finds... huge cairns and a hole in the shape of a heart not carved into the tree, but naturally there (we think)

I'm thankful for this beautiful and unique time in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey kelli,
    Just wanted to say hi. that I came across your blog and am so excited for you and the role you are getting to play at Summit!! They are lucky to have you and I'm sure you've got an adventure ahead of you!! :) I hope you are well. IT's always a treat to hear from you.
