Saturday, January 29


Nope, we're not there yet...
The 2 ISAS students (B&B) and I were supposed to be on our way to Ecuador this morning, but I received a call last night telling me that because of dense fog - we couldn't get to LA, our first stop. We're all rescheduled (and seated together this time) for tomorrow at oooh, dark thirty. At first panic struck when I heard the recording on the other end of the receiver, but then I started processing what this meant: another day to talk to family, another morning to spend at the coffee shop in town (thankfully running into many friends that I really wanted to see and will miss), time to pray and prepare a little bit more for the days that lie ahead, the opportunity to run the errands I was going to be reluctantly leaving for someone else, and some pretty joyous laughter and ease of mind last night as the students and I put off packing a little longer.
The more days go by, the longer I ponder and reflect on the happenings of this world, I am awestruck and confused and enamored by God. So un-knowable. I'm thankful and scared all at once. Bekah and I came to this: I can only pray that God will share His vision with me, that I may be privy to the will of God for this world and that eternity will be my focus, rather than this temporary place in which we dwell that feels so real.
I do not doubt I (or we) needed this day. I didn't know it and really didn't expect it, but am so glad our plans were shook and today was a breath of fresh (Oakhurst) air.
So tomorrow we will begin our journey in Ecuador. Something about that makes my heart skip a beat - there's part of me there that I look forward to discovering more about. I'm excited to share another place that I care for with B&B, for them to experience whatever it is God has in store for them there, and to be open to the work that is going to occur in myself, in B&B, and in those we encounter.

A little update on the past few weeks:
-the students, as I mentioned before, have arrived and we've jumped right into classes and figuring out life together. Brendon and Bekah.
-no time was a-wasted! we've already been winter camping and cross country skiing for 4 days - we visited Ostrander Lake, about 10 miles out of Badger Pass inside Yosemite. It was my first experience skiing on top of a snow-covered frozen lake and I have to say I was speechless! By far the best skiing.
-we've had a few 'family nights' of dinner and good conversation with the Summit staff and the students. Usually one of the highlights of the week.
-I say one of the highlights, because for me - a major highlight is my Katie Sue time each week, my dear friend who I absolutely cherish my time with. We went on a hike up to Chilnualna Falls last week on our day off.

A common theme in my prayers right now is preparedness. Asking to be and then trusting in the Lord that I am prepared in proportion to my students' needs, the needs of my job, and my own needs. Prayers for continued growth, safety, health, and love within my students and I, as well as the Summit instructors currently in Ecuador (Ben & Bryce) are always warranted.

I'll toss some photos up next time. Until then, cuidate mis amigos.

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