Well, I've got a couple homes right now - my home in Winder with Mom, Dad, and Ryan and a home that I've missed until now in Bass Lake that is warm and full of love.
I'm here on the west coast learning to live. Learning to live with myself, learning to live with new friends, learning to live in Christ in a new way. Before stepping onto the plane in Georgia I had no idea what to expect of the community that I was going to step off to in California. My good friend Jeff told me I had two options: either I would find a community that would foster growth, love, and companionship for the summer and create long-lasting friendships OR I would find a positive place but more a time for personal and inward growth with Christ and myself. I've stumbled upon the first option with room for the second to be discovered as well. How beautiful! I cannot say how thankful I am for this community of new friends, encouraging brothers and sisters in Christ, and phenomenal opportunities to serve others in the capacity that God has given us.
So far - I have one word: encouragement. That's what I find here.
The new instructors for the summer (including myself) arrived just in time to meet and greet, prepare, and set off on a 10day snow-filled journey into the backcountry. Time wasn't wasted - it wasn't a mile into the drive that important questions were being asked and hearts were meeting in a 15passenger van headed into the valley. The 10days were consumed by new friendships, challenges, growth, love, selflessness, encouragement, emotions, insights, and rejoicing. What started in Yosemite ended in the Ansel Adams and then cruised into Bass Lake soon after. After some celebrating and rest our friend Ross headed back home since he won't be working with us this summer. There we were, unsure of what "staff orientation" would look like, newly clean, nervous, excited, and eager to put to work what we had been learning. The returning staff trickled in and a morning on Mono rock brought us all together. The weekend passed quickly as we camped, hiked, climbed, and oh wait - one more time - learned of course =).
The work begins... Today - day 1 of summer program planning. Tomorrow we'll all be together to learn of the details of our first course that we'll all be lending a hand with here soon. It's hard to believe that the job position I admired over a year ago is now under my name and all this training and preparation will come to fruition in less than 48 hours.