Autumn was like a flash - it seems like the weather is trying to turn into winter way too quickly... I'm hoping that the leaves will take their time to change and fall, and that we'll still have some warm days with chilly nights before the cold, wet winter presses through for good.
This fall semester has been flying by right before my eyes - midterms have passed and today, I registered for my last semester of my undergraduate career (possibly my college career all together). The past two ish months have been interesting, fun, busy, challenging, and startling. I've enjoyed being at Berry again, but my taste of the outside is getting the better of me. I'm getting excited about a new life, excited about new opportunities and growth outside of the bubble, I'm getting sad about leaving my friends that I've lived with and grown with, and I'm realizing that my mind is finding it hard to focus on matters of academia when the near future is blazing in front of me! I constantly tell myself to live in the moment, live in today, but at the same time I look to the future and envision an abundance of knowledge, life, and of course hardships and challenges, but none the less - my heart is leaping for this change of pace.
I was talking to my mom on the phone today and we're signing my truck into my name, rather than my dad's name and my name... It will be my full responsibility now - not partial. Struggling with the insurance company lately made me realize some of the benefits of things like that in being attached to my parents as a dependent. Not for long. Never will I be fully unattached from my parents, but in some aspects I will be. This freedom is enlivening and frightening. I like it. It's amazing to me how many feelings can rush through you all at once and it be so difficult to figure them out and try to decipher what exactly your body is telling you... I can't comprehend how our bodies work and it astounds me - I love it! We are such intricate creatures made so precisely and purposefully. God throws me for a loop in every circumstance. In my mind, I understand not everyone thinks this way, God (as we have decided to call that infinite being living in everything we see and don't see) is unmistakable - I cannot make myself ignore God or what God has created, done, or is doing. I am uncapable of not seeing God in the intricately woven simplicities of this world.
I'm overwhelmed sometimes by what all makes up this world we live in, the bodies we inhabit, and the people we interact with. It's all so interesting and amazing... Beauty.
I can write on and on here, but really I'm supposed to be writing a paper for my History of Christianity class and preparing a presentation. That will come soon enough - well hopefully very soon seeing as how it's due tomorrow afternoon! I'll spare you anymore floaty descriptions of where I sit right now and get to working on things that have to get accomplished in the real world. =) This degree has to be completed - it's the nature of how we live... it's important here and now.